Stay Safe (Safeguarding)
Find out how to Stay Safe
If you are aware of or suffer from any form of abuse, domestic violence, discrimination, neglect or if you think someone you know is being drawn into extremist activities, please call our Safeguarding Officer, Teresa Meredith on 01296 383470. Please quote ‘safeguarding’ and Teresa or one of the safeguarding team will call you back, or you can email
Alternatively, call one of the agencies further down this page.
If someone is at risk of immediate harm, call the police on 999.
View or Print the
Stay Safe Poster

View or Print the
Suicide Let's Talk Poster

View or Print the
Digital Ground Rules

View or Print the
Supporting Your Mental Health

View or Print the
Physical Abuse Poster

The Samaritans is a non-religious charity which offers a safe place for you to talk anytime you like about anything that is worrying you. Call free on 116 123 or email
National Domestic Violence Helpline
Does your partner or family member stop you seeing your friends? Do they check where you have been Do they shout at you or threaten you?
Call the National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000247. Free anytime, day or night.
If you see or hear something that could be terrorist related or if you are worried about a friend or family member, act on your instincts and call the police. Call 0800 789321.
Online Safety
Online Safety for Adults
Online Safety for Kids

Cyber Security Guide by NCSC

Digital 5 A Day by the Children's Commissioner

Smart Phone Security from ICO
Other Useful Links
How to spot fake news:
How to stay safe online in specific scenarios (like dating, buying a car, banking, etc.):
What to do if you're a victim of sextortion (an email which demands a ransom):
What to do if you think your device has been hacked or has a virus:
How to spot and avoid online scams: