Welcome to Buckinghamshire Adult Learning

Concerned about an adult's safety?

Please visit our Stay Safe (Safeguarding) page for information and guidance, if you are concerned for yourself or one of your fellow learners.

The Buckinghamshire Adult Learning Learner Intranet contains information and guidance to help you learn online, Stay Safe, and find your next challenge.

Stay Safe - picture of mobile phone

Find out how to Stay Safe and ask for help

Learn Online - picture of laptop

Find out about how to Learn Online with Buckinghamshire Adult Learning

Course directory - picture of pencils

Look through the Course Directory on our main website

Next Steps - picture of feet on stairs

Explore Next Steps if you are coming to the end of a course or looking for a new challenge

Welcome to BAL!

BAL Learner Induction 2023/2024

BAL Learner Induction 2022-23
BAL ESOL Learner Induction 2022-23

Login to your Adult Learning account

To login to your online Adult Learning account and view the courses you're enrolled on, please click here: 


Are you a Tutor, LSA or other staff member at BAL?

Ensure you are logged in with your adultlearningbc.ac.uk google account before visiting the BAL Intranet